The World's Oldest Continuously Operating Z Car Club

Established in 1970, Incorporated in 1971 - Southern California

Happy Holidays from Group Z's Own Hector Cademartori 

(Group Z Director of Foreign Affairs)

 Monthly Group Z Activities

Cars and Coffee Classics
Car Show + Datsun Alley

1st Sunday of each Month, 7am
Center St. Promenade
W. Center Street Promenade, Anaheim CA 92805

Group Z Board Meeting
MOnthly Meeting (all are welcome)

2nd Thursday of each Month, 7pm
Noble Ale Works
1621 Sinclair St. Anaheim, CA 92806

why join Group Z?

Are you A Z Car Enthusiast...

Do you love Z Cars? 

Did you buy a Z and are not sure where to start? 

Need tech tips or help to keep your Z on the road? 

Want a fun group of enthusiasts to cruise with?

Do you enjoy showing off your car and checking out other builds?

Want to take your Z to the track and test your limits?

Click here to join Group Z!

Z cars of all generations are welcome

Club Member Benefits include...